Landscape Treatments

The vision of the National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy asks us, as a nation, to live with wildland fire. To achieve this sweeping vision, the Cohesive Strategy has three goals: fire adapted communities, safe and effective wildfire response, and resilient landscapes. We can’t achieve any of these goals without the fundamental interaction between people and place.

The phrase “landscape treatment” means different things to each of us and it depends on our experience and perspective. Landscape treatment can mean a fuel break, roadside thinning, completion of an environmental analysis document, prescribed fire, action by land management agencies, collaborative work between residents and organizations to complete mutual goals, multi-party monitoring and more.

This page has resources, examples and tools for many aspects of landscape treatment.


To live with fire, communities across the nation are using thinning, grazing, prescribed fire and other treatments. Efforts like Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges (TREX) spark and support community-based fire management and create more resilient landscapes. Learn with and from other practitioners who have community based burning programs!
Tribes, such as the Yurok and Karuk tribes, are reviving cultural fire practices to restore and nurture the land and people and reclaim their right to utilize fire. It is important to recognize and support the knowledge and practices of Indigenous peoples in this work.

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Found 43 Results

One Less Spark – Landowners Assistance Resources

Website / Interactive Map
This site offers a list of resources available to landowners for landscape treatment, including grants, insurance, reforestation opportunities, and working with utilities. While some grants and resources are specific to California, many are suitable for a broader geographic area. Read More

National Forest Foundation- Collaboration Resources

Website / Interactive Map
National Forest Foundation
Resources and funding opportunities for community-based collaborative groups across the nation. Read More

National Conservation Easement Database

Ducks Unlimited; Trust for Public Land
The National Conservation Easement Database (NCED) is the first national database of conservation easement information, compiling records from land trusts and public agencies throughout the United States. This public-private partnership brings together national conservation groups, local and regional land trusts, and local, state and federal agencies around a common objective. This effort helps agencies, land... Read More

Long-Term Community Resilience Exercise Resource Guide

Guide / Pamphlet / Handout
Federal Emergency Management Agency
This preparedness toolkit helps organizations and decision makers discuss the impacts of climate change, visualize a future that is outside their direct experience, and evaluate options for constructive action to adapt to climate changes. Read More

Land Conservation Assistance Network

Website / Interactive Map
Land Conservation Assistance Network
The Land Conservation Assistance Network (LandCAN) has resources on conservation grant and assistance programs, a professional directors, information on carbon sequestration markets, a research article library, a toolbox for land conservation and more. Read More

Lake Tahoe Basin Forest Action Plan

Guide / Pamphlet / Handout
California Tahoe Conservancy
The Forest Action Plan contains three overarching strategies that support completing and maintaining wildland-urban interface treatments, and implementing large-landscape restoration in the Tahoe region. This is a great example of an engaging and simple document with important information about local goals and strategies. Read More

Keepers of the Flame: Supporting the Revitalization of Indigenous Cultural Burning

Christopher Adlam, Diana Almendariz, Ron W. Goode, Deniss J. Martinez & Beth Rose Middleton
This article describes lessons learned from two Indigenous Fire Workshops that brought together cultural fire practitioners, researchers, agency and NGO representatives, and members of the public to learn about the use and benefits of cultural burning in California. Full Citation: Christopher Adlam, Diana Almendariz, Ron W. Goode, Deniss J.Martinez & Beth Rose Middleton (2022) Keepers... Read More

Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership

Website / Interactive Map
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
This site contains descriptions of previously funded Joint Chiefs’ projects as well as announcements of current funding opportunities. “The Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership enables NRCS and the Forest Service to collaborate with agricultural producers and forest landowners to invest in conservation and restoration at a big enough scale to make a difference. Working in... Read More

Increasing use of prescribed fire: Barriers and opportunities

Schultz, Courtney A. ; McCaffrey, Sarah M. ; Huber-Stearns, Heidi R.
Summary of a study on the most commonly cited barriers to putting prescribed fire on the ground in a study involving RMRS scientists and partners. Read More

Hupa Fire: Traditional and Cultural Fire Management

Hoopa Fire Department
This video from the Hoopa Fire Department, is a story told by Hupa culture keepers about their relationship to fire. Read More
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Photo Credit: Canva Creative Commons
Community Profile
Fire Adaptation in the Field
Asheville, North Carolina

The Forest Stewards Guild has been working with partners near Asheville, North Carolina to help residents both understand the need for prescribed fire on the landscape as well as have the opportunity to experience the act of treating the landscape. “Learn-and-Burn” events provide residents, land managers, and partners with the opportunity to work together to build a foundation for future landscape treatments.